Prateek took charge of our last meeting as Toastmaster of the meeting and quickly introduced his team for the evening. Club President Florian standing in as timekeeper this evening to highlight both the importance of time within a meeting of the value of redoing roles to learn new things. Nadia took on the grammarian role with “nonchalant” as word of the day. Finally our harkmaster for this meeting was Eleanor B.

The first speaker this meeting was Sophia “Risk equals opportunities”. Sophia took us on the journey her brother undertook to launch his own smoothie business Savse. From a dinner with friends to the successful award winning business it is today. Our second speaker Hannah “be careful of the company you keep” informed us about the joint enterprise law and how someone can end up being imprisoned if taking part in a crime involving a friend. The third speaker was Toby “a new world” who explained the new possibilities offered by virtual reality worlds. He also highlighted the possible downsides include easy escapism in better worlds. Finally, the final speaker was John “Try, fail, learn, succeed” inspired us with a personal story of the importance of trying and failing in learning how to succeed.

Our four evaluators were Eleanor G, Isabelle, Fahad and Stephen. Each provided extensive feedback on the strong points and points for improvements of tonight’s speakers.
The table topics session as facilitated by Annabel who used the London Timeout magazine for inspiration. Questions included “what’s the best part in London to live in” and “what would you change about London”. Both guests and members alike took part in the session and enjoyed themselves tackling Annabel’s questions. Each table topic speaker was evaluated by Edwin as table topics evaluator.

Nadia and Eleanor B came back on stage for their grammarian and harkmaster reports. Followed by Catherine from London Olympians as general evaluator who gave thorough feedback on the club and meeting.

Come and join us for our next meeting on March 22nd!
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