It is possible to sign up for roles on the website several weeks in advance of meetings, by clicking on the ‘sign up for roles’ menu on the left hand side, in the ‘My Participation’ tab. You should typically be able to sign up for roles at least three meetings ahead but this could be as many as five meetings in advance. As per club rules, remember that you should strive to do two roles between doing prepared speeches.
To sign up for a role, simply click on the green thumbs up button displayed beside each role.
Be aware that signing up for a role at a meeting, automatically confirms your attendance at this meeting. If for any reason you are unable to attend this meeting, please notify us as soon as you can by changing your attendance on the system.
Should you wish not to sign up for roles on the system, you may be assigned roles by the Vice-President Education if you have confirmed that you are able to attend a meeting. An e-mail will be sent to you at some point, notifying you of your role and offering you the possibility to accept or to reject the role.
A final way to sign-up for roles is to look at the agenda of any meeting and to click on the green thumbs-up button of the available role you wish to take.
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